Academic mobility

International practice — as an element of the educational process, it is carried out with the aim of consolidating and expanding the knowledge acquired by students at the university; acquiring the necessary practical skills to work in the specialty in production conditions and mastering advanced methods of technology and labor in foreign countries.

The purpose of international practice is to consolidate professional competence, acquire practical skills and professional experience. The main objectives of international practice are:

  1. Study of types of professional activities in the specialty, their functions and tasks;
  2. Consolidation of theoretical knowledge and the formation on this basis of professional skills, abilities and competencies;
  3. Mastery of innovative technologies, advanced labor and production methods;
  4. Gaining organizational and professional experience;
  5. Acquisition of teamwork skills, competencies of corporate management principles;
  6. Mastering the skills to independently plan one’s activities, establish useful contacts with colleagues, determine a professional role position, and develop a sense of responsibility.

The international practice program will provide an opportunity for students studying in educational programs of their specialty to see the world, acquire new competencies, abilities and skills, express themselves and lay strong foundations for a successful career within their future profession.

International internships for students of undergraduate and graduate educational programs take place in accordance with the academic calendar and internship program. All practice leaders from departments maintain constant contact with trainees and practice leaders from organizations.

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